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Find any home, anytime, anywhere.

DropOffer is the nation’s first automated “off-market” real estate-focused website for expanding your home search options. The DropOffer website empowers consumers, top-performing agents and their clients to find the perfect dream house using real-time data.


The DropOffer website allows buyers to submit offers automatically with a tap of an website to off-market homeowners to get the home they REALLY want. We also allow sellers to sell effortlessly, privately and for more money.

A Homeowner receives the offer directly via multiple delivery methods including ads directly on their computers or smartphones, email and smart postcards.

Send offers of interest directly to multiple homes at once! Circle a selected area and find any off-market home willing to sell in the selected area by automatically sending indications of interest directly to all matching homes in the area via targeted web, mobile and social media ads.

Use the DropOffer feature to make an offer on that one home you or your clients really want! The single home dropped offer is a more substantial offer than the multiple home interest-indicating contact. If you don’t quite have that perfect home located to drop an offer on, that’s ok! Utilize the Offersphere to contact multiple off-market homeowners to see if they are interested in selling their home that matches you or your client’s needs to then drop an offer.


Search for and find almost any home, anywhere, anytime.

Submit offers automatically to off-marketproperties with the tap of a button.

Homeowner receives offer directly on their cellphone or computer via targeted web ads and email and smart postcards